Arkansas citizens who are interested in obtaining a concealed handgun carry license, will find the necessary information and links in this section. Before you begin, please read the Arkansas CHCL Laws and view the Frequently Asked Questions Section, located at the bottom of this page, to guide you through this licensing process.
Effective January 1, 2025, there will be an FBI fee decrease. New application forms will be required after December 31, 2024.
New and Renewal Applications
- Apply Online – Instructions | Military Instructions | Application (Preferred method)
- Apply on Paper – Instructions | Application Form – Please see statement below
- U.S. Armed Forces Veteran or Currently Serving (Paper Application) – Instructions | Application Form
- Renew Online – Instructions | Application (Preferred method)
- Renew on Paper – Instructions | Application Form
Concealed Handgun Carry License Fingerprint Locations
A Harvester for Concealed Handgun Carry Licenses can capture and submit fingerprints electronically to the Arkansas State Police AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System). They will need to submit the electronic prints under CCL as the prefix for the transaction number. The transaction number will be either the confirmation number received from an online payment OR a transaction number provided by the Arkansas State Police. ALL TRANSACTION NUMBERS MUST BEGIN WITH THE CCL PREFIX.
****Only resubmittal of fingerprints may use the CHL or CCL prefix, based on the original prefix used with the original transaction number.
***Those wanting to become a Harvester to fingerprint for Concealed Handgun Carry Licenses ONLY, do not need to create an NIC account. If your plans include harvesting for other professions or types of licensures an account with NIC is required.*** CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION.
Check the Status of a Current Application
Transfer License to Arkansas from Another State
- Transfer by Paper – Instructions | Application Form
Enhanced Concealed Handgun Carry Information
Arkansas CHCL Law & Administrative Rules
- Concealed Handgun Carry License (CHCL) Laws (5-73-301 through 329)
- Arkansas Weapons Laws (Possession/Use Generally) (5-73-101 though 133)
- CHCL Administrative Rules (Revised January 27, 2020)
- Locations Where Possession of a Handgun is Prohibited
Replacement Form
Change of Address or Name Notification Form
Note: A new license will not be printed unless you complete a replacement form also. It is not necessary to complete a replacement form if the change of name/address is done at the time of renewal.
Qualification to Become an Arkansas Concealed Handgun Carry Firearms Safety Training Instructor
- See Rule 14 of the CHCL Rules (above) for specific qualifications
- Instructor Application Instructions
- Instructor Application Form
- CHCL Training Instruction Manual (minimum requirements)
- ECHCL Training Instruction Manual (minimum requirements for ECHCL)
- Live Fire Qualification
- Non‐Violent Dispute Resolution
Current Instructors Only
“Firearm Sensitive” Areas Application and Information
Frequently Asked Questions
Is my concealed handgun carry license issued in another state honored in Arkansas? Yes, but you are bound by the Arkansas concealed handgun carry law and rules.
How do I know what states honor my Arkansas concealed handgun carry license? You will need to contact the state to which you intend to travel to make that determination.
If I have never had a CHCL before, but I want an Enhanced CHCL, do I have to take both classes? Yes, you must take the basic and the enhanced training class (approximately 8 hours of instruction and live-fire proficiency qualification). After successful completion of both courses the instructor will provide the applicant with a completed basic Concealed Handgun Carry License training page and an Enhanced Concealed Handgun Carry License training page (two separate training pages). For ECHCL information, CLICK HERE.
How long will it take to process my application? The law allows up to four months for ASP to process the application. Things that may cause that time limit to be extended:
- If fingerprints are not classifiable and must be resubmitted
- Having incomplete criminal history information
- Not submitting all necessary information, such as proof of citizenship for persons born outside the United States
- Training page expired, incomplete or not signed
- Not promptly responding to requests for further information from ASP
License Reciprocity
Effective August 16, 2013, the State of Arkansas acknowledges all concealed handgun carry licenses lawfully issued by another state.
It is the individual responsibility of each Arkansas concealed carry licensees who may travel outside the State of Arkansas to determine whether their license is lawfully acknowledged within other out-of-state jurisdictions.