Highway Safety Grant Programs
The State and Community Highway Safety Grant Program, enacted by the Highway Safety Act of 1966 as Section 402 of Title 23, United States Code, provides grant funds to the states, the Indian nations and the territories each year according to a statutory formula based on population and road mileage. The grant funds support state planning to identify and quantify highway safety problems, provide start-up or “seed” money for new innovative programs, and give new direction to existing safety programs. State, local governmental entities, law enforcement agencies and others are eligible to receive highway safety grants.
The highway safety program areas that have been identified as a priority in Arkansas are Occupant Protection, Impaired Driving, Motorcycle Safety, Roadway Safety and Traffic Records
Click Here for E grant Application
This year: 359 crash deaths occurred on Arkansas roads.
*Preliminary Data – Fatalities as of August 11, 2021
The Arkansas Highway Safety Office coordinates a statewide behavioral highway safety program making effective use of federal and state highway safety funds and other resources to save lives and reduce injuries on the state’s roads, and provide leadership, innovation and program support in partnership with traffic safety advocates, professionals and organizations. Featured Programs addressing high fatalities on Arkansas roadways are Impaired Driving and Occupant Protection…For more Arkansas Crash Data https://dps.arkansas.gov/dashboard/
Every day, about 28 people in the United States die in drunk-driving crashes — that’s one person every 52 minutes. In 2019, these deaths reached the lowest percentage since 1982 when NHTSA started reporting alcohol data — but still 10,142 people lost their lives. These deaths were all preventable.
10142 deaths from drunk driving crashes in 2019*
*Source: Overview of the 2019 Crash Investigation Sampling System (dot.gov)
Click here for more on Impaired Driving
One of the safest choices drivers and passengers can make is to buckle up. Many Americans understand the lifesaving value of the seat belt – the national use rate was at 90.3% in 2020. Seat belt use in passenger vehicles saved an estimated 14,955 lives in 2017. Understand the potentially fatal consequences of not wearing a seat belt and learn what you can do to make sure you and your family are properly buckled up every time.
Seat Belts Save Lives
90.3% Seat Belt Use Rate In 2020
14955 Lives Saved By Seat Belts In 2017
2549 additional lives could have been saved in 2017 if everyone had buckled up
Source: Seat Belt Safety | NHTSA
New Saved By The Belt Program!
Nominate a Traffic Crash Survivor or Submit your own ‘Saved By The Belt’ Story | To read newest ‘Saved By The Belt Story, click here. | Want to read Back-Story on 1st SBTB Testimonial, click here?
Featured Commercial from Click It or Ticket Campaign
Click here for more on Occupant Protection
Newest Speed Enforcement Development: Troopers Use Low Profile Tahoes to Address Speeding Surge
What ‘s New In Traffic Records!