Highway Patrol Division Commander

Major Ron Casey
Highway Patrol CommanderOne State Police Plaza Drive
Little Rock, AR 72209
(501) 618-8800
The command authority of the department’s Highway Patrol Division is under the authority of the Highway Patrol Commander.
Click an area on the map to the left to view the Troop Commander for each area.
Highway Patrol Troop Commanders
Captain Jeff Sheeler
Troop AOne State Police Plaza Drive
Little Rock, AR 72209
Counties Served: Pulaski, Faulkner, Lonoke, Saline
Captain Todd Shaw
Troop B3200 Highway 367 North
Newport, AR 72112
Counties Served: Cleburne, Independence, Jackson, Lawrence, Sharp, White
Captain John Carter
Troop C2216 Browns Lane Access Road
Jonesboro, AR 72403
Counties Served: Clay, Craighead, Greene, Mississippi, Poinsett, Randolph
Captain Philip Hydron
Troop D3205 North Washington
Forrest City, AR 72335
Counties Served: Crittenden, Cross, Lee, Monroe, Phillips, Prairie, St. Francis, Woodruff
Captain David Williams
Troop E6816 Princeton Pike
Pine Bluff, AR 71602
870 247-1483
Counties Served: Jefferson, Arkansas, Lincoln, Desha
Captain Rick Neill
Troop F1237 North Myrtle
Warren, AR 71671
Counties Served: Ashley, Bradley, Calhoun, Chicot, Cleveland, Dallas, Drew, Ouachita, Union
Captain Brady Gore
Troop G2501 North Hazel
Hope, AR 71801
Counties Served: Columbia, Hempstead, Howard, Lafayette, Little River, Miller, Nevada, Sevier
Captain Chris Goodman
Troop H5728 Kelley Highway
Fort Smith, AR 72914
Counties Served: Crawford, Franklin, Logan, Scott, Sebastian
Captain Wesley Smithee
Troop I5196 US 65 South
Harrison, AR 72601
Counties Served: Baxter, Boone, Fulton, Izard, Marion, Newton, Searcy, Stone
Captain Kyle Drown
Troop J2700 West Main
Clarksville, AR 72830
Counties Served: Conway, Johnson, Perry, Pope, Van Buren, Yell
Captain Scott Joe
Troop K200 Karen Street
Hot Springs, AR 71901
501 767-8550
Counties Served: Garland, Clark, Grant, Hot Spring, Montgomery, Pike, Polk
Captain Jeffrey Plouch
Troop L1120 W Monroe Ave
Lowell, AR 72745
Counties Served: Benton, Carroll, Madison, Washington
Remember to Move Over and Give a Lane!
Arkansas law enforcement officers ask that you help protect them when they have a vehicle stopped along a multi-lane divided highway.
When approaching a law enforcement vehicle with its emergency lights activated and parked along the shoulder of the road, it is the law that drivers of vehicles passing the officers move to the furthest lane of traffic away from the officer’s patrol car.Watch this video and learn about the dangers Arkansas State Troopers face when stopping a vehicle along a divided highway.
Highway Patrol Services
Fatal Crash Summaries
Information obtained from an Arkansas State Police fatal crash summary represents only the initial findings by an investigating law enforcement officer. The summaries are not considered official reports of a highway crash investigation, but merely a summary of preliminary information Read More >
Driver Examination
Each highway patrol troop commander is responsible for establishing a regular schedule of driver’s license testing in each of the troop counties. Hover your cursor over and select the area on the map below to determine your county’s troop headquarters and download the PDF document for Read More >