* Copies of the documents used for verification will be retained by the employing agency and must be available for examination at any reasonable time by representatives of the Commission.
Chiefs, Sheriffs and Training Coordinators,
To avoid delays, please be sure all documentation has been carefully reviewed, and includes required signatures. PLEASE NOTE: At the bottom of page 4 of the updated F-2 Medical History Questionnaire, the dated signature of a department head or their designee is required. Without this signature, new hire applications will not be processed and will require resubmission.
F-1 | Initial Employment Report
F-2 | Medical History Questionnaire | F2 Form FAQs
F-2b | Confirmation of Psychological Evaluation
F-3 | Personal History Statement
F-4 | Personnel Change-In-Status Report
F-5 | Application for Certification of a Course
F-6 | Notice of Course Completion
F-7 | Application for Award of Law Enforcement Officer Certificate
F-7a | Application for Award of Police Chief Certificate
F-8 | Application for Award of Law Enforcement Instructor Certificate
F-10 | Education and Training Record
F-11 | Qualifications Appraisal Guide
F-12 | Application for Award of Field Training Officer Certificate
F-18 | Attendance Roster