SEOC Activation Levels
Level 3 – Normal Operations
Level 2 – Increased Preparedness
Level 1 – Activation

Arkansas purchased WebEOC in May 2009. This software is our primary incident management software. The system has been built from the ground up with Arkansas’s Processes in-mind. All new WebEOC users will receive introductory training when usernames and passwords are issued but we strongly encourage users to attend additional training seasons to further their understanding of the system and increase their ability to put to use the full capabilities of the system.
Email us for additional information on future WebEOC training opportunities
The SEOC supports local jurisdictions by providing requested resources, information, advice, strategic assistance, and communication. The SEOC implores the use of NIMS and ICS as the basic concept for operation and can be activated at one of three activation levels which allows for flexibility to match the manpower requirements commiserate with the mission requirements.
As the core component of the SEOC, ADEM staff (ESF #5) has been assigned a variety of responsibilities in the SEOC and ADEM staff members have been made aware of their areas of responsibility. Since ADEM staff has a limited number of people to place into action, the inclusion of Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) beginning in 2008 has greatly enhanced the operations of the SEOC.
The ESF component of the SEOC is made up of the 16 ESFs that support the SEOC operation.
ESF #1 Transportation | ESF #9 (Urban) Search and Rescue |
ESF #2 Communications | ESF #10 Oil and Hazardous Materials Response |
ESF #3 Public Works and Engineering | ESF #11 Agriculture and Natural Resources |
ESF #4 Firefighting | ESF #12 Energy |
ESF #5 Emergency Management | ESF #13 Public Safety and Security |
ESF #6 Mass Care, Housing and Human Services | ESF #14 Private Sector and Infrastructure |
ESF #7 Resource Support | ESF #15 External Affairs |
ESF #8 Public Health and Medical Services | ESF #16 Cybersecurity |