DECEMBER 13, 2022
A physical altercation and shooting in Brinkley earlier today resulted in the death of Jimmy Lee Dillard. Dillard, 53, of Brinkley was pronounced dead at the scene when Brinkley police officers responded to 510 A South Carter Street about 1:30 AM.
The Arkansas State Police Criminal Investigation Division is leading the investigation into the homicide at the request of Brinkley Police Department authorities. Dillard’s body has been transported to the Arkansas State Crime Laboratory where a manner and cause of death will be determined.
During the early morning hours today, state police special agents developed information identifying Tren-Terrious Stidum, 24, of Brinkley as a suspect.
State police, Brinkley police officers and Monroe County sheriff’s deputies located Stidum at a Brinkley residence. Stidum was taken into custody without incident and is currently being held at the Monroe County Detention Center on a charge of murder, first-degree. He is scheduled to appear for a bond hearing in Brinkley court tomorrow.