October 8, 2024

On Monday, October 7, 2024, Special Agents from the Arkansas State Police (ASP) Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force, with assistance from the Highway Patrol Division and U.S. Marshals Service Western District of Arkansas Fugitive Task Force, rearrested Alejandro Mendoza, 34, of Texarkana, Ark. Mendoza now faces a charge of Rape and additional felony charges of Internet Stalking of a Child and six counts of Engaging Children in Sexually Explicit Conduct.
As a result of the ongoing investigation, evidence revealed that during the summer of 2024, Mendoza had been communicating with a 13-year-old girl he had first contacted when she was 12. The investigation revealed the two exchanged pictures and had sexual intercourse.
This rearrest follows his initial arrest on September 11, 2024, after the Nevada County Sheriff’s Office requested assistance from the ASP ICAC Task Force in July 2024. Investigators had found that Mendoza, a volunteer coach, had inappropriate contact with juveniles, including the exchange of explicit photos. Mendoza was initially charged with felony counts of Engaging Children in Sexually Explicit Conduct and Possessing of Matter Depicting Sexually Explicit Conduct Involving a Child.
Mendoza was taken to the Nevada County Detention Center, where Circuit Judge Duncan Culpepper set a bond of $2 million.
The investigation is ongoing, and out-of-state ICAC task forces have been contacted to assist in locating potential out-of-state victims.