Arkansas Crime Victims Reparations Board
Provides financial compensation to victims who have suffered personal injury or death as the result of violent crime.
This program does not cover property crimes nor pain and suffering.
Submission of an application does not guarantee a payment and/or an award.
Crime Victim Compensation Application:
We offer an ONLINE APPLICATION process
for Victim Compensation!
for Victim Compensation!
CVRB Administrator
Lisette Yang
Lisette Yang is the Administrator
of the Arkansas Crime Victims
Reparations Board administered
by the Arkansas Department
of Public Safety.
of the Arkansas Crime Victims
Reparations Board administered
by the Arkansas Department
of Public Safety.
Crime Victim Compensation Application:
We offer an ONLINE APPLICATION process
for Victim Compensation!
for Victim Compensation!
CVRB Administrator
Lisette Yang
Lisette Yang is the Administrator
of the Arkansas Crime Victims
Reparations Board administered
by the Arkansas Department
of Public Safety.
of the Arkansas Crime Victims
Reparations Board administered
by the Arkansas Department
of Public Safety.
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