SALARY: Recruits begin earning a salary upon their initial report to the Arkansas State Police Training Academy. The entry salary for an Arkansas State Trooper Recruit is $54,000 effective July 1, 2022. After four and ½ years as a commissioned officer, the employee becomes eligible for a promotion to the rank of ASP Trooper First Class, receiving a salary increase base of 59,400. After seven and ½ years as a commissioned officer, the employee becomes eligible for a promotion to the rank of ASP Corporal, receiving a salary increase base of 67,500.
VACATION & SICK LEAVE: New Troopers qualify for eleven paid holidays, twelve paid vacation days and twelve days of paid sick leave (*inclusive of spouse/domestic partner, child or parent).

- Family Insurance Plan free for uniformed personnel, spouse, and children. ($15,630 annual value)
- Certificate pay up to $1,200 annually (*State Police Director discretion)
- Retirement contributions are fully paid by the state – 28 year non-contributory retirement, all vested at 5 years
- Uniforms and equipment, to include a take home car, are furnished
- Eligible for career service pay following ten years of state service (up to 1,500 annually)
- Opportunities for overtime duty up to 36 hours weekly.
- Up to 10% pay increase for second language skills.