Right to Worship Safely Grant Program
The DPS Right to Worship Safely Grant Program supports physical security enhancement and other security activity projects that serve to assist nonprofit ideology-based/spiritual/religious entities in the prevention, protection against, preparedness for, and response to terrorist threat(s) and/or other extremist attack(s).

Right to Worship Safely (RTWS) Grant Application
Applications should be submitted via EMAIL by the nonprofit ideology-based/spiritual/religious institution/organization to the Department of Public Safety Research and Planning Division as a completed Adobe PDF file. The application deadline is 4:30 p.m. on September 30, 2024.
Scanned copies will not be accepted.
**Those who were awarded funds in the first round (January 2024) are not eligible for additional funds at this time.**
RTWS Grant Guidelines
The Department of Public Safety Research and Planning Division established guidelines to help ensure that submissions for the RTWS Grant are organized in a consistent manner while addressing key data requirements.
Eligible nonprofit ideology-based/spiritual/religious institutions/organizations must:
(1) Be designated as a 501(c)3 organization; and
(2) Have received an active terrorist threat(s) and/or extremist attack(s) in the past 36 months; and
(3) Indicate an established risk to the organization (threat, vulnerability, and consequence).
Applicants must also be located within the state of Arkansas.
Threats will be verified and evaluated by the Arkansas State Police for credibility and applications reviewed by the RTWS Committee.
Nonprofit ideology-based/spiritual/religious institution/organization sub-applicants should contact the DPS Research and Planning Division to get information on the application deadline and other application requirements.
Email: [email protected]