UPDATE: Joseph Garcia, 33, of Collinsville, Mississippi has been identified as the individual who died in an officer involved shooting yesterday (Sunday, December 25, 2016) south of Batesville.
December 25th, 2016
The Arkansas State Police is investigating an officer involved shooting that occurred today (Sunday, December 25, 2016) in Independence County near the Desha community south of Batesville.
At approximately 7:25 AM an Independence County Sheriff’s Deputy came into contact with an individual along Jamestown Road. The 33 year-old man told the deputy he was armed and refused to comply with orders directed to him by the deputy.
Local and state law enforcement officers joined the deputy at the scene and at approximately 11 AM, the man fired a gun at officers who returned fire. No law enforcement officers were injured.
The man was pronounced dead at the scene. His body has been transported to the Arkansas State Crime Laboratory for examination for manner and cause of death.
Special Agents of the Arkansas State Police Criminal Investigation Division are leading the investigation into the stand-off and shooting. An investigative case file will be prepared by the agents and submitted to the Independence County Prosecuting Attorney.
For additional infomation, contact on-call Arkansas
State Police PIO Trooper Liz Chapman – (501) 515-3716
or email [email protected]