Each “facility” must have at least one entry designated for each of the following designated Contact Types:
- Owner/Operator
- Emergency Contact
- Tier II Information Contact
The below example is the page you will see when you select the “Contacts” tab.

In the above example, the company has designated 2 records as Emergency Contacts, 1 of which is also designated as the Tier II Information Contact.
In the example below, the company has entered only 1 contact record, but has designated that 1 record as Owner/Operator, Emergency Contact, and Tier II Information Contact.
Owner/Operator record requirements are:
Mailing Address, City, State, Zip
Email Address
One (1) Phone Number (designation of Phone Type doesn’t matter)
The below examples are what you will see when you select an individual Contact record.
Emergency Contact record requirements are:
Must have two (2) phone numbers
One of the 2 phone numbers you must choose the “24-hour” designation; choosing “Mobile/Cell” or “Emergency” will not satisfy the requirement for a “24-hour” phone number
Must have an E-Mail address for each record designated as an “Emergency Contact”
Tier II Information Contact, each listed Tier II Information Contact record must have
Email Address
One (1) Phone Number (designation of Phone Type doesn’t matter)
In the below example, the record is designated as both an Emergency Contact and a Tier II Information Contact; thus this record must satisfy the requirements for both contact types (i.e. must have 2 phone numbers and 1 must be designated as “24-hour”). If this record were designated as only “Tier II Information Contact, it would not be required to include a 24-hour phone number.
For Tier 2 Submit 2013 “validation” purposes, email addresses and phone numbers do not have to be “unique”. In other words, you can use the same email address for the Owner/Operator, the Emergency Contact, and the Tier 2 Information Contact and Tier 2 Submit will validate the record. However, you cannot leave the Email Address field “blank” for any of those contact records, or the Tier 2 report will not “validate”.
In the below example, this record will not pass “validation” because it is an Emergency Contact record that does not have a “24-hour” Phone Type listed.
Notice the Phone # entries are identical; this will not cause the record to fail validation.
Changing one of the Phone Type entries to “24-hour” will result in a record that will “validate.”
Users can enter one (1) contact record and designate that one contact as the Owner/Operator, the Emergency Contact, and the Tier 2 Information Contact…and Tier 2 Submit will validate the record. It is not necessary to have an individual entry for each Contact Type.
In the below example, 1 contact record has been designated as multiple “Contact Type”, thus this record must satisfy the requirements for Owner/Operator, Emergency Contact, and Tier II Information Contact entries. It must have:
Mailing Address, City, State, Zip (Owner/Operator requirement)
Email Address (Owner/Operator, Emergency Contact, and Tier II Information Contact requirement)
2 Phone Numbers (Emergency Contact requirement)
1 Phone Type must be “24-hour” (Emergency Contact requirement)