EPCRA Section 301-303: Emergency Response Planning
- States are granted the authority to coordinate and oversee planning through the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC).
- Local governments are required to prepare chemical emergency response plans and review them regularly. This is usually accomplished via Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs).
- LEPCs are made up of state and local officials, first responders, emergency personnel, as well as facility owners and operators.
- Facilities that maintain Extremely Hazardous Substances (EHS) above the corresponding threshold planning quantity (TPQ) are required to participate in emergency response planning.
LEPC Resources
- National LEPC TEPC Handbook
- Texas LEPC Handbook
- Measuring Progress in Chemical Safety: A Guide for Local Emergency Planning Committees and Similar Groups
- LEPCs in the Modern World NASTTPO
- Practical Evaluation of Local Emergency Planning and Preparedness NASTTPO
- The Role of LEPCS in Preparing for Climate Change Chemical Accident Risks NASTTPO
Tier II Distribution
In Arkansas, ADEM acts as an electronic repository for Tier II reporting statewide and then distributes this data to LEPCs. The LEPC, in turn, distributes the Tier II reports to all local fire departments within their jurisdiction.
LEPC Contacts
- Currently being updated.